
I’m John, KJ7L.

Ham Radio is a hobby of mine, one of many hobbies and interests. I hold dual degrees in Computer Science and Business and work in the IT field.

My interest in radio goes back to my teenage years, the 1970’s. I found a couple of old Ham books about how to get a radio license. Electronics always fascinated me. I experimented with CB radio and would listen to SW broadcasts and be mesmerized by morse code signals and other strange sounds.

Later, when I served in the US Army as a Fire Support Specialist, I used several kinds of FM transceivers, such as the AN/PRC-77 Portable Transceiver. I worked at a fire support post, monitoring multiple FM radios.

By 1999-2000 I was just about ready to take my first exams for my Amateur Radio license and had time for the hobby. I built a couple of stations and made a few contacts; usually I was just interested in listening.

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