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New Location

I am posting this for some extra clarification to people who might be temporarily confused when they hear me on the air. Yes, my callsign is KJ7L and I passed all of my Ham Radio exams in the Pacific Northwest, USA. The callsign zone for the Pacific Northwest, USA is “7”. As of July of…


Thu Apr 30, 2020 1:53 AM: The icon I have selected for my website was chosen because I do more listening than transmitting, hence the lack of radio waves emanating from my icon. Emergencies? Yes, I am available. So, “why” about my call sign, KJ7L? Why, indeed!


This is a new blog from John, KJ7L. I’ve been a licensed Ham Radio operator from the US since 2002. Numerous interests, from the sciences to the arts. Thanks for stopping by.

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